Redecentralize Info Security

Long ago humans discovered that everything on Earth runs in cycles. Human groups do the same: start with intent, become distracted by a debate over methods, then lose sight of the goal or the reason why, and at that point, becoming paint-by-numbers going through the motions. Sadly that is the stage that “information security” (the Redecentralize Info Security

Medieval hackers

As part of our attempts as a species to understand what hacking is, this review of the book Medieval Hackers provides a clear commonality between hackers and information-hackers of earlier ages: The basic premise of Kathleen E. Kennedy’s intriguing volume Medieval Hackers is that modern computer hackers are essentially the inheritors of the medieval copyist Medieval hackers

“Crossover: Where Metal and Hacking Met and Mixed” by Brett Stevens in 2600 Summer 2014 issue

An article by one of our local nerds users, “Crossover: Where Metal and Hacking Met and Mixed,” has been published in the summer 2014 issue of 2600. This article concerns the early years of PC hacking when hackers used the BBS underground and other facilities, some borrowed, to communicate about the nascent underground metal scene. “Crossover: Where Metal and Hacking Met and Mixed” by Brett Stevens in <em>2600</em> Summer 2014 issue